After a rapid year of change, we’re entering a new normal for transit agencies.  Social distancing, minimal contact, and working remote are not only changing the way we work, but changing how we want to workThe largest portion of the transit workforce, vehicle operators, may be some of the biggest benefactors of this transformation.   

Trapeze’s Workforce Management solutions help agencies serve their frontline “transit heroes,” providing tools to increase health and safety while minimizing unnecessary time at the garageThese tools also help agencies be more agile, providing flexibility and real-time updates to support your changing business needs. 

In this webinar, we will share with you how our Workforce Management modules can: 

  • Sign in with contactless badge scans or from your mobile phone, eliminating: the queue at the window, hand-written sheets, and face to face communication with dispatch 
  • Maintain physical distancing with display boards showing pull out time, vehicle assignments, extra board assignments, and more 
  • Allow employees to access information 24/7 remotely – work assignment details, review paddles, request absences, check accruals, sign up to volunteer, and even complete bids  
  • Eliminate the need for operators to call dispatch or travel to the garage to fill out paper, minimizing the time commitment for operators, which is often unpaid, and letting dispatchers focus on ensuring service is delivered on time. 
  • Push alerts and notifications using email, text/SMS, and online messages to ensure everyone is updated in real-time. 
  • Keep employees informed at all times with messages, detours, and documents.  Eliminate passing paper back and forth for signatures with the option to require employee acknowledgment. 

Click here to see a sneak peek of the webinar, where you'll see five tips on how to easily automate daily manual tasks. 

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